D+C Initiatives

EHDS Coalition

The EHDS coalition was established to facilitate the rapid implementation of the EHDS, ensuring adequate resources are allocated for data access points.

Our goal is to establish an extensive data foundation for the EHDS through legal authorization and prioritize research purposes in accessing the data, irrespective of the legal nature of the researcher, whether public or private.


In the European Union, billions of data sets exist that have been collected in the context of medical care or for other purposes, but are currently largely unused.

The EHDS addresses this challenge by increasing the interoperability of national health systems, thereby enabling patients to access and manage their health data across the EU. At the same time, it opens up the possibility of using the existing data for research purposes via data access bodies.

However, there is a threat of restrictions in the current EU legislative process and the national implementation that may jeopardize the goals that have been set.

The data access point may be equipped inadequately, in terms of technology, finances and staff.
The database for the EHDS may not be sufficiently comprehensive, thereby limiting the potential of the EHDS.
Germany would not be able to participate fully in the EHDS due to its data protection regulations and therefore lose importance, from a research perspective.


The EHDS Coalition

The EHDS Coalition is committed to the successful implementation of the EHDS and non-discriminatory access for private and public research projects, supported by representatives of research-strong enterprises, data-processing companies, associations and patient organizations.

Creation of a broad and qualified data basis
Establishment of functional, trustworthy data access
Involvement of health care companies as valuable data holders
Equal participation of the companies as data users
Realisation of a fair fee schedule
Connection of small medical practices as voluntary data holders
Use of data for educational purposes
Raising public information and awareness
Supported by


Join the Coalition

Become part of the EHDS Coalition

We are looking for further supporters who would like to actively shape the EHDS in Germany. In the first phase, the EHDS Coalition has developed a position paper and a communication strategy. The position paper is available for download below.

Starting in the second quarter, the strategy will be implemented in a second phase – with various measures political decision-makers will be activated and the positions of the EHDS Coalition will be introduced into the debate. You want to support the second phase? Become part of the EHDS Coalition now.

Target group
Current supporters
Implementation plan
Position Paper
Communication strategy

Why D+C

With our comprehensive expertise in relevant legal frameworks and industry standards, we enable our clients to actively shape political debates and opinion-forming processes.

Strategy | Managing Partner
Co-founder of Dierks+Company, with previous key roles in global pharmaceuticals and healthcare, including Global Head of Hematology at Shire
Attorney-at-law | Managing Partner
M.D., J.D., General Practitioner, one of the leading lawyers for social and medical law in Germany.

Legal + Strategy + Communication

We combine legal consulting with strategic thinking and political communication

Extensive network

We are well connected with decision makers and stakeholders of the German healthcare system.

Become part of the EHDS Coalition

If you are also interested in becoming involved in the EHDS Coalition, we would be happy to talk with you.

To become a project participant, simply fill out the adjacent form. In the next step, We will then send you a preliminary draft contract via email.

Juliana Dierks
Strategy | Managing Partner
Book a meeting

Become a supporter

    You can find information on the processing of your personal data in our privacy policy.

    More about EHDS

    Want to learn more? Take a look at the critical issues regarding the European Health Data Space (EHDS).

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