D+C Services | Stakeholder Engagement

Uniting perspectives

Are you striving to align diverse healthcare stakeholders towards a common goal within a tight timeframe? Are you faced with managing complex projects involving multiple stakeholder groups from public and private healthcare organizations, all while seeking to ensure cohesive direction?

Introducing the "Werkstatt", our proven workshop methodology tailored to unite perspectives.


Navigating the healthcare system's intricate web of diverse stakeholders and special interests can be daunting. More often than not, progress is hampered by the failure of differing parties to commit to a unified goal.

How can we drive progress in healthcare when experts from various disciplines have differing opinions?
Do you find yourself ready with all stakeholders but struggling to forge consensus?
Are you seeking effective ways to expedite stakeholder engagement and cultivate shared objectives within a tight timeframe?


Believe it or not, it's entirely possible to build consensus among the diverse stakeholders in healthcare, and to do it swiftly. The key lies in a robust structure that guides the development of shared goals and collaborative actions. Here are the guiding principles:


Acknowledge the expertise and perspectives of all stakeholders. Recognize their unique input as valuable components of the larger picture.


Establish a clear hierarchy of objectives that everyone can rally behind. This allows for a focused and strategic approach to goal attainment.


Collaboratively design strategies and action plans. This phase thrives on collective brainstorming where every stakeholder has a say in shaping the path forward.


Implementation is where the rubber meets the road. Once strategies are in place, concerted action and constant communication ensure everyone remains in sync and progress is steady.

Uniting perspectives

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“Werkstatt” Concept

The Werkstatt is our dynamic approach that actively engages all stakeholders. With a focus on maximizing individual contributions and seamlessly blending analog and digital realms, we guide you through the four phases of "Understand," "Define," "Develop," and "Act." Our carefully curated formats alternate between plenary sessions and breakout discussions, creating an environment that fosters collaboration and drives impactful outcomes.

Multi-stakeholder projects
Customized and scalable
Aligned solutions

Our features

Our Werkstatt concept offers a range of adaptable features tailored to your specific needs and scalable from exclusive workshops to public events.

We ensure smooth event logistics by providing briefings and event reminders to all participants. For larger events, we offer an event platform that facilitates networking, knowledge sharing, and even the option for participants to book hospitality services. Additionally, we can collect and structure stakeholder perspectives and opinions in advance, setting the stage for productive discussions.

As part of the workshop, we facilitate the validation of challenges faced by various stakeholders, leveraging a combination of analog and digital methods such as digital collaboration tools. This process allows us to create a shared and goal-oriented knowledge base, ensuring that all participants are aligned towards a common understanding of the key issues at hand.

In the prioritization phase, we condense the identified challenges through clustering techniques, allowing participants to focus on the most pertinent areas of action. Various methods, such as the Delphi method and live voting, are employed to facilitate the prioritization process. This ensures that the collective efforts of the workshops are directed towards addressing the most crucial and impactful issues.

We empower participants to generate innovative ideas and develop concrete solution outlines or recommendations to address the prioritized challenges and fields of action. This collaborative process stimulates creativity and ensures actionable outcomes.

We foster commitment to the identified solutions and facilitate agreement on core messages to be communicated. Our interactive event closure, incorporating digital methods, ensures an engaging and impactful conclusion to the workshop.

We meticulously document all results and evaluate participant feedback. We collaborate with you to determine the best approach for follow-up activities and provide support for participants in effectively communicating core messages.

Impact Stories

Die Werkstatt ist extrem wichtig, da wir interdisziplinär zusammenarbeiten.
Prof. Dr. Sylvia Thun ​
Berlin Institute of Health (BIH), Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin und Hochschule Niederrhein
Es funktioniert, wenn man nicht nur redet, sondern auch auffordert zu handeln.
Prof. Dr. Thomas O.F. Wagner​
Internist und Pneumologe, Leitung Referenzzentrum für seltene Erkrankungen, Frankfurt
Ich nehme vor allem aus der Werkstatt mit, dass Expert:innen aus unterschiedlichsten Fachgebieten gemeinsam das Beste für Patienten mit seltenen Erkrankungen erreichen wollen.
Claas Röhl ​
Member of the IMI Scientific Committee, President NF Kinder
Ich nehme aus der Werkstatt mit, dass interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit nicht nur wichtig und sinnvoll ist, sondern auch richtig viel Spaß machen kann.
Dr. Tobias Gantner​
Gründer und Managing Partner HealthCare Futurists
Die Werkstatt war äußerst interessant, weil hier zielorientiert gearbeitet wird.
Prof. Dr. Volker Ulrich ​
Lehrstuhl für VWL III, Universität Bayreuth
Ich fand es äußerst interessant, dass es als offene Diskussion und Workshop organisiert war, der es tatsächlich ermöglicht die kreative Energie der Teilnehmer zu nutzen und die verschiedenen Beiträge und Meinungen dann trotzdem auf überraschend positive Weise im Gesamtergebnis zu bündeln.
Prof. Dr. Christof von Kalle ​
Berlin Institute of Health (BIH), Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Why D+C

Benefit from our profound understanding of healthcare institutions and organizations, coupled with our extensive expertise in moderating diverse opinion leaders. With a track record of successfully bringing together disparate viewpoints, we are adept at helping you unite perspectives.

Attorney-at-law | Managing Partner
M.D., J.D., General Practitioner, one of the leading lawyers for social and medical law in Germany.
Strategy | Managing Partner
Co-founder of Dierks+Company, with previous key roles in global pharmaceuticals and healthcare, including Global Head of Hematology at Shire

Legal + Strategy + Communications

We combine legal consulting with strategic thinking and political communication.

Extensive network

We are well connected with decision makers and stakeholders of the German healthcare system.

Interested? Let us unite perspectives together

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