Lisa Gahleitner

Strategy Consultant

About Lisa

Lisa is a Strategy Consultant at Dierks+Company. With her legal background, expertise in digitalization and experience in design thinking and project management, she combines a comprehensive understanding of the legal framework in health care with a deep insight into all stakeholders.

Prior to joining Dierks+Company, Lisa worked as a Senior Legal Consultant in a multidisciplinary team at an international law firm specializing in intellectual property. She focused on chemical and pharmaceutical patents and comparable rights within the regulatory framework of pharmaceutical law, co-steering projects and conceptualizing contracts with healthcare providers and third parties, such as CROs. She discovered her passion for health care law when studying at UC Law San Francisco. She is currently enrolled in a legal Master’s program tailored to pharmaceutical law. There she has developed her special interest in rare diseases and their legal and strategic implications.  

Prior to working in the field of health care, she worked for several international law firms, enabling her to adapt quickly to the intricacies of legal questions and the unique needs of each individual client. To develop her skill set, she took on various digitalization projects and delved into the world of legal design thinking. She is a firm believer that a solution should fit its problem: she helps with a thorough analysis of the challenges at hand before developing a tailored solution.  

Ask Lisa about

  • Digitalization in healthcare
  • Legal design thinking
  • Pharmaceutical law