Dominik Humm

Senior Strategy Consultant

About Dominik

Dominik is a Senior Strategy Consultant at Dierks+Company. His previous consulting work and studies have given him a comprehensive and hands-on perspective on healthcare and what it takes to improve it.

Prior to joining Dierks+Company, he worked at KPMG’s Public Sector Consulting for several years. As a consultant, he focused on the digital transformation of providers and payers in the German healthcare and social security sector. He advised a large health insurance fund on the design and implementation of digital health strategies and helped implement a hospital information system in rehabilitation clinics.

Dominik also supported clients on organisational issues and helped, for example, a health insurance fund on its way to becoming an agile and digital-ready organisation. Dominik holds a Master’s degree in Management from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU) and a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and Business Administration from the University of Hohenheim. Focal points of his studies were the application of economic and management principles as well as research into sustainability transformation in healthcare.

Ask Dominik about

  • Digital Health
  • Business Models
  • Organisational Development
  • Digital Transformation