Anika Hosemann

Business Support Specialist

About Anika

Anika is Business Support Specialist at Dierks+Company.

Her career spans various industries and roles. She started in social work in 2003 and then moved into administration, where she demonstrated her skills in talent acquisition, personnel management and office organisation at dynamic start-up companies such as GameDuell GmbH, Leanovate GmbH and Trademachines GmbH. During her time at Goldener Lenker GmbH, she also gained valuable experience in accounting, scheduling and team management. Her knowledge of agile methodology, which she acquired during her time in start-up environment, enriches her professional skills.

Anika's journey is shaped by her personal experiences as well. As a family member of someone affected by a rare disease, she brings empathy and a unique perspective to her work and the topic of healthcare.

Ask Anika about

  • HR & Finance
  • Patients with rare diseases
  • Agile methods